Want to Volunteer? Ask Yourself These 5 Questions

Giving back does good, feels good, and is good for you. If you don’t have the spare cash to donate to worthy causes, perhaps you have some extra time. Showing up to help out is a lot more fun than just writing a check anyway. But time is a precious resource, so before committing to a volunteer opportunity, do a little research. Here are some helpful questions to ask yourself that will help you choose a charitable venture that’s worth your time.

What Do I Care About?

Maybe it’s a no-brainer, but picking a cause you’re passionate about is a critical part of the process. There are lot of causes out there, after all. Take a look at different charity categories, then try to gauge which feels most important to you. Maybe it’s the environment, veterans, the homeless, disease research, animals, or one of the other million choices out there.